The prostate is a gland below the bladder and in front of the rectum in men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB). It consists of connective tissues and glandular tissues. It adds fluid to semen, and its muscles help push semen through your urethra. Conditions that affect your prostate include cancer, prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
What does the prostate do?
A person does not require a functioning prostate to live, but it is important for fertility. The following sections discuss the functions of the prostate.
Helping to produce semen
The primary function of the prostate is to contribute prostatic fluid to semen. The prostate contributes 20–30% of fluid to the total semen volume. The remainder comes from the seminal vesicles (50–65%) and the testicles (5%).
Prostatic fluid contains components that make semen an ideal substance for sperm cells to live in, including enzymes, zinc, and citric acid. One important enzyme is prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which helps make the semen thinner and more fluid.
The fluid in semen helps the sperm travel down the urethra and survive the journey towards an egg, which is essential for reproduction.
Prostatic fluid is slightly acidic, but other components of semen make it alkaline overall. This is to counteract the acidity of the vagina and protect the sperm from damage.
Closing the urethra during ejaculation
During ejaculation, the prostate contracts and squirts prostatic fluid into the urethra. Here, it mixes with sperm cells and fluid from the seminal vesicles to create semen, which the body then expels.
When the prostate contracts during ejaculation, it closes off the opening between the bladder and urethra, pushing semen through at speed. This is why, in typical anatomic situations, it is impossible to urinate and ejaculate simultaneously.
Hormone metabolism
The prostate needs androgens, which are male sex hormones, such as testosterone, to function correctly.
The prostate contains an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosteroneTrusted Source into a biologically active form called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
This hormone is importantTrusted Source for normal prostate development and function. In the developing male, it is crucial for the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as facial hair.
What is the function of the prostate gland?
The prostate has various functions. The most important is producing seminal fluid, which is a component of semen. It also plays a role in hormone production and helps regulate urine flow.

Prostate problems are common, especially in older men. The most common include an inflamed prostate, an enlarged prostate, and prostate cancer.
Symptoms of prostate trouble often appear as difficulty urinating, which might include poor bladder control or weak urine flow.
This article provides an overview of the prostate, including its function and structure, where it is, and what medical conditions can affect it.